Karak Planets of the houses of Kundali
Each of the 12 houses of a kundali is governed by a zodiac sign, and each zodiac sign is governed by a planet. So, each house of a kundali has an owner planet. And, owner planets of the various houses of a kundali may vary from one person to another.
However, each house of a kundali also has some Karak planets attached with it, which is/are the same for all the people. So, the effects related to a particular house will not only be influenced by the owner planet of that house, the planets sitting in that house, and the planets laying their sight on that house, but also the karak planet(s) of that house.
We will study about them in this article.

- Karak Planets of Kundali Houses
- How to find if a Karak Planet is good or bad for us?
Karak Planets of Kundali Houses
First House
First house of a lagan kundali represents one’s character, will power, health, etc. It’s karak planet is Sun.
So, apart from the owner of the first house of a particular kundali (which may be different for different people), the planets sitting in the first house of that kundali (which may be different for different people), and the planets laying their sight on the first house of that kundali (which may be different for different people), Sun will also influence the fields of life related to the first house.
Second House
Second house of a lagan kundali represents money, family, etc. It’s karak planet is Jupiter.

Jupiter is the karak planet of 6 houses in the kundali. So, it’s a pretty important planet and has a lot of influence on our life.
Third House
Third house of a lagan kundali represents courage, energy, hard work, dedication, etc. This house represents our achievements based on our own hard work. It’s karak planet is Mars.
Fourth House
Fourth house of a lagan kundali represents happiness, luxury (vehicle, property, house), mother, etc. It’s karak planets are Moon and Venus.
So, to analyze the effects of the fourth house of your kundali on your mother, have a look at Moon too. To analyze the effects of the fourth house of your kundali on your happiness, and luxury, have a look at Venus too.
Fifth House
Fifth house of a lagan kundali represents wisdom, invention, children, etc. This house represents our new creations. It’s karak planet is Jupiter.
Sixth House
Sixth house of a lagan kundali represents job, service, competition, etc. It’s karak planets are Saturn and Mars. Mars helps us beat competition, while Saturn helps us get good jobs.
Seventh House
Seventh house of a lagan kundali represents life partner, married life, etc. It’s karak planet is Venus.
Both Jupiter and Venus help us get married, but it’s Venus that helps us maintain a healthy married life.
Eighth House
Eighth house of a lagan kundali represents age, etc. It’s karak planet is Jupiter.
Ninth House
Ninth house of a lagan kundali represents luck, destiny, father, etc. It’s karak planets are Jupiter and Sun.
So, to analyze the effects of the ninth house of your kundali on your father, have a look at Sun too. To analyze the effects of the ninth house of your kundali on your luck, and destiny, have a look at Jupiter too.
Tenth House
Tenth house of a lagan kundali represents profession, business, etc. It’s karak planets are Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury.
So, to analyze the effects of the tenth house of your kundali on your profession, have a look at Saturn, and Jupiter too.
To analyze the effects of the tenth house of your kundali on your business, have a look at Mercury, and Jupiter too. Mercury is mainly related to our business and our oratory skills.
Eleventh House
Eleventh house of a lagan kundali represents profit/gain of any kind (money, marriage, vehicle, house, children, etc.). It’s karak planet is Jupiter.
Twelfth House
Twelfth house of a lagan kundali represents loss of money, unnecessary expenditure, etc. It’s karak planet is Saturn.
Karak Grah:
How to find if a Karak Planet is good or bad for us?
Well, to analyze the effect of any planet on us, we need to find out whether it’s beneficial or harmful for us. And then we need to find out how powerful that planet is.
So, we will look for the following factors:
- Whether a karak planet is beneficial (yogkarak) or harmful (marak) in our kundali.
- Whether it’s in exalted (uchcha) state or debilitated (neech) state in our kundali.
- Whether a karak planet is in one of the three bad houses (i.e. 6, 8, 12), i.e. in trik-bhav.
- What is the degree of the karak planet – it decides the power of the planet.
- Whether a karak planet has been eclipsed – it reduces the power of the planet.
Winding Up
So, now we know that each house of a kundali has some fixed karak planets attached with it. So, we need to take them into account too.
Moreover, there are some karak planets attached with particular events of our life too, e.g. Rahu and Mars are related to accidents in our life, Moon is related to our mind/mood, Sun is related to our will-power, etc. We will study about karak planets related to these specific events in our life (or facets of our personality) in a separate article.