What is Saraswati Yog?
In this article we are going to understand a very important yog, called Saraswati yog. We will study about the characteristics of people having this yog, how this yog is formed, etc.
Let’s begin.

- Characteristics of a person having Saraswati Yog
- Conditions for the formation of Saraswati Yog
- Factors that diminish or enhance the effects of Saraswati Yog
- How to strengthen Saraswati yog?
Characteristics of a person having Saraswati Yog
A person having this yog in his or her kundali is bound to be a very learned person in his/her area.
Such a person not only has a sharp intellect, but also wisdom. He or she will be research oriented and will study his field in depth. You can say such a person will have an eye for the detail.

Kindly do not confuse high intellect and wisdom with higher education. Even an illiterate person may be high in wisdom and intellect.
A person having this Saraswati yog, even if he’s illiterate, will showcase high acumen and knowledge of the field he or she is working in. We not only learn from books, but also from life experiences, other people, and through our own introspection.
Now, let’s have a look at the conditions required for the formation of this auspicious yog.
Conditions for the formation of Saraswati Yog
Mercury, Venus and Jupiter planets are involved in the formation of this yog. As you may have noticed, all the three planets are related to intelligence and wisdom. Mercury is the planet of wisdom (buddhi), and the other two are planets of knowledge. Jupiter is the guru of Gods and Venus is the guru of Demons.
Saraswati Yog is said to form in either of the following two cases:
- All the three planets, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, are in conjunction, i.e. all three must be sitting in the same house of the kundali. OR
- Mercury and Venus must be in conjunction (i.e. they must be in the same house of the kundali), and Jupiter must be laying its sight on them.
But just formation of this yog is not sufficient. Whether this yog will be able to showcase its desired good results is also dependent on a few other conditions. Let’s have a look at them.
Factors that diminish or enhance the effects of Saraswati Yog
There are a few factors that may reduce/increase the power of this yog. Some of these have been listed below:
- If anyone of these three planets, Mercury, Venus or Jupiter, has been eclipsed by the Sun, then Saraswati yog will not show its full potential. That’s because the eclipsed planet will get reduced in power.
- If this yog is being formed in house number 6, 8, 12, or 3 then it will give good results only if the concerned person is working in a professional field related to that house.
- The degree of these three planets should not be very low (from 0 to 2) or very high (28 to 30). Too low or very high degree means that the concerned planet is very weak and such powerless planet will not be able to form any strong yog.
- If all the three planets are favourable (yogkarak), then this yog will give very good results. But in case one or more of these three planets are unfavourable (marak), then the effect of this yog will get diminished.
- Paap Kartari yoga should not be forming along with this yog.
- If some of these planets are sitting in their own house (swagrahi), or sitting in the house of a friend, or are in exalted state (uchh), then the Saraswati yog formed will be very strong. Otherwise, it will be comparatively weak. (We may also have to have a look at the Chalit Kundali, to ensure the position of the planets, that is to check if they have not changed their houses, or have not migrated to a house connected with 6th, 8th or 12th house of the kundali.)
- We also have to see the inauspicious effect (paap prabhav) of devil planets Rahu and Ketu. We do not consider Saturn here, because Saturn is itself related to deep thinking and research.

Conjunction of Mercury and Venus also forms Laxmi-Narayan yog, which is also good for money and economic status. Afterall, a person who is knowledgeable in his/her field is bound to be rich and well-off.
How to strengthen Saraswati yog?
If this yog is there in your kundali, but because of one or more of the above reasons it is not very strong, then you may do some remedies.
Find out which of the three planets (from among Mercury, Venus and Jupiter) is weak. Then you may do the following to strengthen it:
- Recite its beej/mool mantra and worship that planet or the God/Deity governing that planet.
- You may wear the gemstone of that planet to activate it.
- You may meditate.