How to find Favourable and Unfavourable planets in Kundali?
Here, we will learn how to find out Favourable (योगकारक) and Unfavourable (मारक) planets in our Kundali.
Favourable (योगकारक) planets will give us good results, while Unfavourable (मारक) planets will give us bad results (whenever their Mahadasha or Antardasha will come).

In previous articles, you were introduced to the basic rules of Lagna Kundali. If you haven’t read that, you may start by reading the basics of lagna kundali in this article.
That article also tells you how we count houses in a kundali - a knowledge you need to have to understand this article. However, we are also attaching below a snapshot of a blank kundali with its house numbers marked, just for your reference. House numbers remain the same for all North Indian kundalis.
Let’s begin.

- Favourable Planets
- Unfavourable Planets
Favourable Planets
The following planets are considered favourable in a kundali:
Lagnesh, i.e. the owner of the zodiac sign that is sitting in the first house of the kundali. For example, in the kundali given below Moon is the Lagnesh.
Cherished Divinity (इष्ट देवता)
Your Cherished Divinity (इष्ट देवता) is the divine entity that is always ready to help you, and if you pray to it, you will be saved from almost all negative effects in your life.
The planet that is your Cherished Divinity (इष्ट देवता), will also be favorable to you.
But how to find who is our Cherished Divinity (इष्ट देवता) based on our Kundali?
How to find your Cherished Divinity (इष्ट देवता)?
The owner of the 5th house of the kundali is considered the Cherished Divinity (इष्ट देवता). 5th house is a good house, as it is a triangular house.
For example, in the kundali given below, Mars will be considered the Cherished Divinity (इष्ट देवता), as Scorpio zodiac sign is allotted to the 5th house, and its owner is Mars.
So, Mars will be a favourable planet in case of such a kundali.

Mars is also the owner of the 10th house in this kundali, which is also a good house. So, it’s definitely going to be a favourable planet, as it has got two good houses too.
The various Deities/Gods that these Planets are related to have been given below:
- Sun – God Sun, Lord Ram, Fire (Agni)
- Mercury – Lord Ganesh, Lord Vishnu
- Venus – Goddess Lakshmi
- Mars – Lord Hanuman, Lord Kartikeya
- Jupiter - Lord Brahma
- Saturn – Lord Shani
- Moon – Lord Shiva
Owner of 2nd and 7th houses
If the owner of 2nd and 7th houses are friends of Lagnesh, then they will be considered as favourable planets.
For example, in the kundali given below 2nd house is occupied by Leo zodiac sign, which is owned by Sun. Now, Sun is a friend of Lagnesh Moon (As both are God planets). So, Sun will be considered a favourable planet in this kundali.
Owner of Good Houses
Planets who are the owner of good houses in the kundali are considered favourable. You may consider them as ministers that have been given good portfolios.
The good houses are: 1st, 4th, 5th, 9th, 10th, and 11th.
In the following kundali, there’s Libra zodiac sign in the 4th house, and Taurus zodiac sign in the 11th house. Both are owned by Venus.
Though in this kundali Venus is an enemy planet of the Lagnesh Moon (as Venus is a demon planet, while Moon is a God planet), but it will be considered a favourable planet, as it has been given two good houses.

Houses 1st, 5th, and 9th are triangular houses. These houses are considered good.
In the following kundali, you can see that Jupiter is the owner of a negative house 6, and it is also the owner of a triangular house 9.
If a planet owning a triangular house is also the owner of a negative house, then that house will be considered favourable. So, Jupiter will be considered a favourable planet in this kundali.
Unfavourable Planets
Owner of 2nd and 7th houses
If the owner of 2nd and 7th houses are enemy of Lagnesh, then they will be considered as unfavourable planets. (If they are friends, then they will be considered favourabe.)
For example, in the kundali given below 7th house is occupied by Capricorn zodiac sign, which is owned by Saturn. Now, Saturn is the enemy of Lagnesh Moon (As Moon is a God planet, while Saturn is a demon planet).
So, Saturn will be considered an unfavourable planet in this kundali.

Saturn has also been given the 8th house, which is a negative house. That’s why it will definitely be an unfavourable planet in this kundali.
Owner of Negative Houses
If a planet is the owner of two negative houses, then also it will be considered an unfavourable planet. You may consider it to be a minister that has been given two bad portfolios.
For example, in the kundali shown below Mercury is the owner of two negative houses – 3 and 12. So, it will be considered unfavourable.

Houses 6, 8, and 12 are considered negative houses. However, even house 3 is considered albeit negative, as it is a house of hard work (and comparatively less returns).
Kendradhipati dosh
If a planet is occupying two central houses (apart from the 1st house), then it’s a case of Kendradhipati dosh (केन्द्राधिपति दोष). Central houses (apart from the 1st house) are 4th, 7th, and 10th.
For example, if Gemini is placed in the 1st house (and so Langesh is Mercury), then Sagittarius will be in the 7th house, and Pisces will be in 10th house. Now, owner of both Sagittarius and Pisces is Jupiter. Though both 7th and 10th houses are good houses, and are occupied by a friend of Langesh Mercury (Jupiter is a friend of Mercury), but due to Kendradhipati dosh Jupiter will be an unfavourable planet in this kundali.

Apart from the placement of zodiac signs, where these planets are sitting themselves will also affect the way they behave. And also the state in which they are – that is, whether they are in exalted state or debilitated state. We will cover these aspects in a separate article.

Rahu and Ketu give results depending only on which zodiac sign (rashi) they are sitting in. They do not own any zodiac sign (rashi) themselves.

Planets that are benign (सौम्य) in nature, do not do much harm even if they are bad for you (as per your kundali). However, cruel planets can do a lot of harm if they are unfavourable to you (especially the ones who are Demons).
- Benign planets are – Moon, Jupiter, Venus
- Cruel planets are – Mars, Sun, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu.
Among these Mars and Sun are only cruel. But Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu are not only cruel, but also devil/demon (दानव) planets. If these planets are bad in your kundali, then they will torture you the most.