Nature of various Planets in Astrology
In this article, we will try to understand the nature of various planets in Astrology.
There are 9 main planets in a Kundali – Sun, Moon, Rahu, Ketu, Jupiter, Venus, Mars, Mercury, and Saturn.

- Nature of Mars
- Nature of Venus
- Nature of Mercury
- Nature of Moon
- Nature of Sun
- Nature of Jupiter
- Nature of Saturn
- Nature of Rahu
- Nature of Ketu
Nature of Mars
Mars has a separative tendency, i.e. it likes to remain separate from others. That is, it likes to live its life its own way.
That’s why we always look out for Manglik Dosh in a kundali. And while match-making we prefer either both of the partners to be Mangli, or both to be non-Mangli. It’s common-sense. People who like to live apart from society, will fit better with a person who has the same tendency.
Mars also stands for Body, Blood, Strength, Anger or Aggressive nature.
Nature of Venus
Venus is related to beauty and a luxurious life. If a person is under the influence of Venus, then it will be driven towards beauty, good life style, gems, jewellery, etc.
It is also related to our sex organs and our sperm. So, Venus also influences opposite sex attraction, love, lust, etc.
Nature of Mercury
Mercury is related to brain, memory, intelligence, and speech. A person under the good influence of Mercury will be quick witted, and capable of giving prompt replies.
Mercury is also related to business, and accounts/maths.
Nature of Moon
Moon is directly related to our heart, mood and mind (मन). Sometimes, we behave like a child, sometimes we get pangs of anger, and at other times we feel extremely happy. All this is governed by Moon.
Moon moves very fast, just like our mind (मन). In fact, it’s the fastest moving planet. It jumps from one zodiac sign (rashi) to another within 2 and a half days.

Just like the Moon causes tides in the oceans and seas, it all causes mood swings within us. It’s not a surprise, as more than 70% of our body is made up of water.
During full moon there are more cases related to insanity – even police departments all around the world know about this and issue warnings to the common public to remain more vigilant during and near full-moon nights. Crime rates often go up during these times.
Nature of Sun
Sun is related to our energy-levels and also our soul. Just like Mars, Sun is also related to strength. But unlike Mars, Sun also has mind, i.e. Sun is power plus brain.
Sun is also related to management. A person who is under the influence of Sun, will definitely be a good manager. Sun is also related to all government departments and jobs.
Sun is also related to eye-sight.
Nature of Jupiter
Jupiter is related to wisdom and knowledge, our ability to differentiate good from bad. And why not. After all, Jupiter is considered the mentor/guru/teacher of Gods.
Jupiter is also connected with the fat in our body.
Nature of Saturn
Saturn is probably the cruelest and the slowest planet. It takes 2 and a half years to jump from one zodiac sign (rashi) to another.
So, a person under the influence of Saturn will be a bit lazy and will do things slowly. However, Saturn is also related to research.
Saturn is also related to our hair.
Saturn is also the planet of justice, and poor people.
Nature of Rahu
Rahu is also a cruel planet. And just like Moon, it is also related to our mind (मन).
Rahu creates desires within us to achieve big things, or do great tasks in our life. If there’s a planet in your kundali that is ready to do action, and Rahu is also good in that kundali, then that person will definitely do great deeds. That’s because a great combination of mind and action gets created.
Nature of Ketu
Ketu is related to salvation / liberation (मोक्ष). A person under its influence will definitely be interested in liberation, as he will have the knowledge that worldly things are temporary, and so not as valuable as they are made out to be by many people.
Ketu pushes a person towards spirituality, away from his or her day-to-day tasks. (We hope you know that there’s a difference between religion and spirituality.)
Though Saturn also pushes a person towards spirituality, but it does so by creating problems in one’s life and thus causing in him a detachment with worldly affairs. However, Ketu does so by installing spiritual knowledge inside a person.

Rahu is considered the shadow of Saturn. While Ketu is considered the shadow of Mars.