Concept of Conjunction of Planets (Yuti)
In this article, we will study about the phenomenon of Conjunction of Planets (Yuti) in Astrology. That is, the effects we get when two or more planets are sitting in the same house of a kundali.

- What is the concept of Conjunction of Planets?
- Effects of Conjunction of Planets
What is the concept of Conjunction of Planets?
If two or more planets are sitting in the same house, then those planets are said to be in Conjunction (or Yuti).
For example, consider the following Kundali:
Here, Mercury, Venus and Sun are in conjunction in the 2nd house. Similarly, Moon, Jupiter and Ketu are in conjunction in the 5th house.

Just like the concept of conjunction/yuti, there’s a related concept of pratiyuti too. We already know, that each planet lays its sight on the 7th house from where it is sitting.
So, a planet will make a pratiyuti with the planet that is sitting in the 7th house from where it is sitting, i.e. where it lays its sight on.
For example, in the kundali given above, planets in the 5th house (Moon, Jupiter, Ketu) are in pratiyuti with the planet in the 11th house (Rahu).
Effects of Conjunction of Planets
Now, let us see the effects that we will get due to conjunction of planets. But before we do so, we must know which of these planets are favourable (yogkarak) or unfavourable (marak) to us. If you do not know how to find this, you may read this article of ours.
Not all the planets in conjunction will give results at the same time. The planet whose Mahadasha, or Antardasha will come, that planet will become active. The planet that is active will give its results. If more than one planet is active, then we will have to see the combined effects of those planets.

At a particular time of our life only a few of the planets are active – some are more active, and some are less active. This is called dasha. The weightage of their effects on our life at a particular point of time are as follows:
Mahadasha – The planet whose mahadahsa is running at a particular point of our life, will give the maximum results. Such a planet gives around 70% of the results that we see in our life.
Antardasha – The planet whose antardahsa is running at a particular point of our life, will give the second most maximum results. Such a planet gives around 20% of the results that we see in our life.
There are other minor dashas too, e.g. Pratyantar dasha, Sukshm dasha, Pran dasha. These dashas give around 10% of the results that we see in our life.
So, for all practical purposes we just need to focus on the planets whose Mahadasha and Antardasha are running in our life. Mahadasha and Antardasha are often indicated in kundali that you make using online kundali making software. If you want to learn more about Dasha of planets, you may read this article of ours.
For example, in the following kundali Moon, Jupiter and Ketu are in conjunction in the 5th house.
The Mahadasha and Antardasha of this kundali have been depicted below:
As you can see, that Mahadasha of Moon is on from 27/12/2017 to 26/12/2027. Moon is the lagnesh of this kundali, and so it is a favourable planet. So, during this period the concerned person will get good results.
Also, from 27/11/2020 to 26/3/2022 Antardasha of Jupiter is on. Jupiter is also a favourable planet for this kundali. So, as both the planets (whose Mahadasha and Antardasha is on) are favourable (yogkarak) planets, this time-period would prove to be a good one for that person.
Now, the amount of good or bad results a planet can give also depends on the strength of that planet, which is measured by its degrees. Planets which have very low (1 to 2 degrees) or very high (28 to 30 degrees) degree, will not be able to give any results – good or bad.
For example, in the above kundali, though Moon is a favourable planet and its Mahadasha is on, it won’t be able to give much good results. That’s because its degree is 28. So, it’s very weak. However, if the concerned person can strengthen it by doing some rituals, reading mantras, wearing a gem stone, or just by doing meditation, then it may start giving better results.
Also, Jupiter (whose Antardasha is on) has 8 degrees. So, it will give about 50% of its intended results. If the concerned person can also strengthen Jupiter, he will really get very good results.

A planet does not affect all the houses of the kundali at the same time, i.e. they do not affect all the facets of our life at the same time. When a planet gets activated during its Mahadasha, Antardasha, or any other minor dasha, it effects the following houses:
A planet affects the house, where that planet is sitting itself in the kundali.
Every planet also lays its sight on some other houses of the kundali, with respect to where it is sitting. So, planets not only affect the house where they are sitting, but they also affect the houses where they lay their sight on.
A planet affects the house(s), where the zodiac sign(s) owned by that planet are situated in the kundali.

If a planet is unfavourable (marak), you should not wear its gem stone. Because wearing its gem stone will strengthen it. Rather just worship that planet, read related mantras, etc. so as to placate it.
But some people do nothing. They feel that they should not artificially change the results that they are supposed to get in their life. They happily accept good and bad things in their life, just as Gita said – “You should not focus on results, but rather just on the action (karma). Neither should you be very happy in good times, nor should you be very sad during bad times”.
Rather then praying for good times, they pray for the God to give them strength to go through bad times. It’s during bad times that we gain spiritual and emotional maturity. In fact, some planets like Saturn forces a person to delink from material world, and push them towards spirituality. What seems like a bad phase in materialistic world, may be a good phase in spiritual arena.
But sometimes we face such bad times that it becomes unbearable. Then we are forced to do something to reduce our problems, pain, anxiety or depression. Astrology is a science/art to do that. It’s a tool to help people in distress.
In anyone’s life good and bad times come as waves, one after the other. You can not stop it, but either you can reduce/increase their intensity, or strengthen yourself spiritually and emotionally to face those times. The path you choose will entirely be your decision.