What is Kendra Trikon Rajyog?
In this article, we are going to learn about Kendra Trikon Rajyog – how it’s formed, its effects, etc.
So, let’s begin!

- How is Kendra Trikon Rajyog formed?
- Effects of Kendra Trikon Rajyog
- When are the benefits of Kendra Trikon Rajyog reduced?
How is Kendra Trikon Rajyog formed?
This rajyog is formed when central (kendra) and triangular (trikon) houses are somehow related.
- The Kendra or Central houses are: 1, 4, 7, and 10. These are the adobe of Vishnu, and represent our life, character, action, luxury, married life, etc.
- While, the Trikon or Triangular houses are: 1, 5, and 9. These are the adobe of Lakshmi, and represent our wisdom (5th house), higher education, dharm (9th house), etc.
So, it’s obvious that the rajyog that is formed by these two sets of houses is bound to be a very strong one and will impact our life in a big way.
The two sets of houses may be related to each other in various ways. Let’s see some of these cases.
Conjunction of Planets
If the owner planet of one of the central houses, and the owner planet of one of the triangular houses are sitting together in the same house (i.e. they are in conjunction/yuti), then Kendra Trikon Rajyog is formed.
However, keep in mind that they must be sitting in a good house (and not one of the bad houses – 6, 8 or 12). This rajyog will also not be formed in the third house of the kundali, as this house is that of struggle and hard work.
Moreover, if this yog is formed in either one of the centre houses, or one of the triangular houses, then this yog will be very strong.
In second and eleventh houses, this yog will be of moderate strength.
For example, consider the following kundali:
The zodiac sign in the first house (a centre house) is Cancer, which is owned by Moon. Similarly, the zodiac sign in the ninth house (a triangle house) is Pisces, which is owned by Jupiter. And both of them are sitting together, i.e. are in conjunction/yuti, in the fifth house (which is a good house). So, here Kendra Trikon Rajyog has been formed.

These planets need not even sit in the same house. This rajyog is formed even if they lay their sight on each other (i.e. on each other’s houses where they are sitting).
Zodiac Sign Interchange
If these planets are sitting in each other’s zodiac signs, even then this yog is formed, and as per some astrologers this makes the strongest form of Kendra Trikon Rajyog.
For example, consider the following kundali:
Here, zodiac sign in the first house (a centre house) is Cancer, which is owned by Moon. Similarly, the zodiac sign in the fifth house (a triangle house) is Scorpio, which is owned by Mars. And they are sitting in other’s houses. So, here again another form of Kendra Trikon Rajyog is being formed.

Even though both the concerned planets in the above kundali, i.e. Moon and Mars, are in debilitated (neech) state. But as they are sitting in each other’s houses, they are also forming Neech Bhang Rajyoj, i.e. they will not give bad results. Two debilitated planets, if they are sitting in each other’s houses, will never harm each other’s house. It’s like a stalemate of bad guys – no one can harm the other.

Saturn is the owner of two consecutive houses in any given kundali. If one of these houses is a central house, and the other is a triangular house, even then Kendra Trikon Rajyog will not be formed. For this rajyog to form, there should be a relation between two different planets.
Effects of Kendra Trikon Rajyog
Now, let’s see what effects this rajyog has on a person’s life. This rajyog will:
- help you get respect, money, and luxuries of life.
- bless you with peace of mind and good family life.
You will see the results of this rajyog when the dasha of the planets forming this rajyog comes. In the case of the above kundali, this rajyog will get activated once the mahadasha, antardasha, etc. of Moon, Mars, and Jupiter will come. Dasha of both the planets must be running simultaneously, e.g. Mahadasha of Moon and Antardasha of Mars, or vice-versa.
When are the benefits of Kendra Trikon Rajyog reduced?
Just having this rajyog in your kundali may not be enough. It must also fulfil certain extra conditions, otherwise you will not see much beneficial results of this rajyog.
Let’s have a look at certain situations that may increase or decrease the strength of this rajyog.
- If one or both of the planets (that are in conjunction, laying sight on each other, or are sitting in each other’s zodiac signs) are in exalted state, then they will form a strong Kendra Trikon Rajyog. However, even if one of them is in a debilitated state, then a very weak Kendra Trikon Rajyog will be formed.
- If the two planets that are sitting in each other’s house, are friends, then they will form a strong Kendra Trikon Rajyog. For example, in the given kundali Mars and Moon are friends (as both are God/Dev planets), and are sitting in each other’s houses. Even the fifth house, where Jupiter and Moon are in conjunction is governed by Mars, which is a friendly planet to both Moon and Jupiter. However, if the planets are sitting in the house of an enemy planet, then the strength of Kendra Trikon Rajyog will decrease.
- If one or both of the planets forming this rajyog are in the nakshatra of a friendly planet, then the Kendra Trikon Rajyog formed will be good in strength.
- Degrees of the planets making this rajyog also matters a lot. For example, in the given kundali the power of Moon is low (as its degree is 28, which is very close to 30). So, Kendra Trikon Rajyog by it will be less in power. Though to increase the power of a planet the concerned person can wear the gemstone of that planet (e.g. Pearl for Moon).
- If one or both of the planets are eclipsed by the Sun, then the strength of this yog will reduce a lot.
- You will also have to refer the Chalit Kundali, and see whether any planet is changing its house or not. If any of the two planets making Kendra Trikon Rajyog has changed its house, then this rajyog will not be strong. So, apart from the Lagna kundali, you also need to refer to the Chalit kundali. For example, in the given lagna kundali Moon is in the fifth house. But if we refer to the chalit kundali, we can see that Moon is in fact in the sixth house (which is a bad house – house of enemies and diseases).
So, as per chalit kundali, Moon will not be forming a strong Kendra Trikon Rajyog with either Jupiter or Mars in this kundali. And as Moon here is in a bad state, it will give bad results to the concerned person when its dasha will come. So, he should not wear Pearl (the gemstone of Moon), as it will further enhance the effects of Moon (at least as per Chalit Kundali).

If you have lagan dosh in your kundali, then also Kendra Trikon Rajyog (or any other rajyog) will not be able to give you good results. Our lagnesh is the owner of the zodiac sign in the first house of the kundali. For example, in the given kundali the lagnesh is Moon.
Lagan dosh may be formed due to various reasons:
If lagnesh has been eclipsed by the Sun.
If lagnesh is debilitated. This is the case in the given kundali. However, as the Moon is forming Neech Bhang Rajyog with Mars in this kundali, its bad effects will get canceled out.
If lagnesh has very low power (i.e. if its degree is 0-2, or 28-30). This is also the case in the given kundali, as Moon has a degree of 28. But its remedy is simple – just wear Pearl, worship Shiva, etc.

Some of the planets in our kundali push us towards doing good work and spirituality, e.g. Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, etc. While, some others push us towards bad deeds and thoughts, e.g. Rahu. The planet that has more power will have more impact on our life.
But it’s a two-way road. What we do also gives power to the concerned planet. So, if you are doing good deeds and spiritual work, you are empowering your good planets. If you are doing bad deeds, you are empowering your bad/devil planets.
Keep that in mind. Your kundali is not engraved in stone. It’s ever evolving. Meditation, Spirituality, and Yog (Karmayog, Kundaliniyog, Bhaktiyog, etc.) are much bigger powers. You may change your kundali with your sheer will-power, yog and conscience – not only for this life, but perhaps for the next lives to come.
Involving yourself in spiritual works will activate your Jupiter, while engaging in the enjoyment of senses will give power to Rahu.
Winding Up
So, now you must have understood the whole concept of this Kendra Trikon Rajyog. If you have this rajyog in your kundali, but it’s not powerful enough due to certain reasons (e.g. some planet has been eclipsed by the Sun, has low power, etc.), then you may adopt certain remedies such as – wearing the gemstone of that planet, wearing rudraksh of that planet, chanting the basic/beej mantra of that planet, worshipping the God/Deity related to that planet, or by donating things related to that planet.
You may consult a knowledgeable astrologer to get your kundali analyzed in more detail, and get the appropriate remedies, if needed.